Making the Cuts

I am a firm believer in the saying, ‘everything happens for a reason.’ I couldn’t believe my luck that I’d have connections to a critiquing professional, who was also a special needs mom. There was much for me to learn about the art of writing, and I was eager to dig in and learn from…

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Taking a Chance

My first writing project was a novel.  It was so bad that my best idea for the title was, The Book.  I dragged the story out to the recommended 250 pages.  I wrote 33 chapters, plus a bonus Prologue and Epilogue.  By the time I wrote, The End, it was like I could finally let…

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I Love to Write

My first writing project was a novel.  It was a pretty hefty project, but it was something I had thought about doing for at least a decade, and I was excited to begin. I had no formal training, so the first step I took was a trip to a Barnes & Noble.  As I wandered…

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I love Books. How about you?

Dear friends, In every instructional book I read, the first rule of thumb to be a writer was always, you must be one of those people who loves to read. I was a bit of a late-bloomer. I was 17-years-old when my friend Yvonne introduced me to a paperback Chivalric romance novel. After reading the…

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